Payroll Accounting & Personnel Administration

Personnel management Payroll and payroll accounting

You determine the content of our service!

We understand personnel management as a complex construct with a wide variety of partners, interests and requirements.

Relieve yourself and your employees of activities related to personnel administration.

From the simple payroll accounting to the complete digital personnel administration, from the simple inquiry over the appreciation of complex facts, up to the execution of a tax audit.

We do not see ourselves as a payroll accounting system for payroll tax and social insurance. We would like to be your strong partner in personnel management and bring our experience and qualified employees into your processes and systems or discuss optimization potential together with you.

Make yourself free for your core business!

Our Services Personnel Administration

  • Gross/net settlements
  • Construction and collective wage agreements, works agreements
  • Determination and registration of income tax
  • Contribution statements and notifications to social insurance institutions
  • Current management and closing of payroll accounts
  • Monitoring of minimum wage
  • electronic long-term archiving for the entire retention period
  • Setting up and changing employee data
  • Company pension plans, capital-forming benefits, benefits in kind, employee participation, attachments, employer loans,
  • Determination and accounting of variable wage / salary components, such as
  • Hourly wage calculation and average storage (phantom wage), overtime hours, attendances and absences, working time accounts, bonus wages, Sundays, public holidays, night bonuses, triggers, daily allowances, travel expenses,
  • Continued payment of wages, contribution to maternity pay, short-time work
  • tax advice on wages, social security and employment law
  • Employee secondment, Im-/Expatriates
  • (digital) personnel administration and employee management
  • travel expenses
  • attestation system
  • Evaluation and Controlling
  • interface solutions for the provision of the results in company-owned applications
  • (Electronic) provision of payment orders
  • Accompaniment and execution of tax audits
  • Correspondence with institutions and offices

Checking for optimization potential and efficiency increase

Contact us!

Lars Buschmeier

Lars Buschmeier

Partner, Compliance
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Sabine Welsch

Sabine Welsch

Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Business Services Outsourcing
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