Global Portal
Audit & Assurance
Tax & Legal
Business Services Outsourcing (BSO)
Audit & Assurance
Final/Other Statutory Audits
Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group
Company Pension Scheme Actuary Services
Preparation Services
Forensics, Risk & Compliance
IT & Controls Assurance
Sustainability Services
Further Auditing & Assurance Services
BDO Horizons Q3-2024
In this edition of Horizons, we go around the world providing analysis of deal activity and trends in our BDO regions.
Sustainability is here to stay
By introducing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the European Union has succeeded in advancing the topic of sustainability considerably:
Future Finance Act
On November 17, 2023, the German Federal Parliament passed the “Act on the Financing of Investments to Secure the Future”
Energy Sector
Financial Services Banking
Financial Services Insurance
Healthcare Management
Trade & Consumer Goods
Transport & Logistics
Public Companies & Administration
Real Estate
Foundations & Non-profit Organisations
Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Automotive Accounting and Tax
M&A Update
New Mobility Services
Transfer of real estate for partial consideration
No taxable gain arises from the transfer of real estate for partial consideration less than the historical acquisition cost.
Automotive Sector Update Q3-2024
Global Automotive M&A transaction deal flow Q3-2024
Swift Customer Security Programme v2024
The Swift Customer Security Programme (CSP) initiative was launched by Swift in 2016 and aims to strengthen the security of the global financial community.
Board Support
Capital Markets
Cloud Consulting
DORA – Challenges & Solutions
Family Office Services
Male/Female Ratio
Crisis Management
Country Desk
Court Rules Taxation of Foreign Investment Funds Violates EU Law
The exclusion of foreign funds from the provisions of § 11 InvStG 2004 violates the free movement of capital and is contrary to EU law.
BMF comments on pension payments with simultaneous managing director's salary
In a BMF letter dated September 18, 2017, the tax authorities took the view that in the payment phase of a pension, the parallel payment of a managing director's salary and pension...
Annual Tax Act 2024 and Exemption of the Existence Minimum 2024
The German Federal Council passed both the Annual Tax Act 2024 and the Act on Tax Exemption of the Existence Minimum 2024 on November 22, 2024.
Facts & Figures
Responsibility & Diversity
BDO Germany Alliance
Global Network
Awards & certifications
M&A Update
New Mobility Services
Automotive Accounting & Tax
Energy Sector
Financial Services Banking
Credit Institutions
Leasing & Factoring Companies
Sustainable Finance Risk Management
Securities Service Providers
Payment Services
EU Banking Union Desk
Wealth & Asset Management
Financial Investment Brokers
Audit & Assurance
Out-/Co-sourcing Audit
Quality Reviews
Risk & Compliance
Top View
Tax & Legal
Investment Tax Law
What is FATCA?
Automatic Tax Data Exchange
Fintech & Digital Transformation
Prevention of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing & Other Criminal Offences
Financial Services Insurance
Healthcare Management
Auditing in the healthcare sector
Tax and legal
Trade & Consumer Goods
Transport and logistics
Public Companies & Administration
Municipal Utilities & Waste Disposal
Waste Management
Municipalities & their Investments
Federation, State & State Organisations
Universities & Research Facilities
Forensics, Risk & Compliance
Auditing Financial Statements in Line with HGB, IFRS & US GAAP
Double-entry Accounting & New Municipal Financial Management
Legally Compliant Budgetary & Administrative Management
Participation Management
Public Procurement & State Aid
Organisational Forms for Public-Sector Companies
Antitrust & EU State Aid Law
Antitrust Law
Sales Antitrust Law
Merger Control
EU State Aid Law
Support in Litigation
Real Estate
Real Estate Valuation
Real Estate Due Diligence
Construction Audit / Special Audit
Consultancy on Accounting in Line with IFRS or HGB
Profitability Investigations in Settlement Development
Analysis & Evaluation of Inherited Waste Risks & Land Recycling
Foundations & Non-Profit Organisations
Pitfalls of accounting
Tax and legal
Structural Consulting and Transparency
Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Audit & Assurance
Final/Other Statutory Audits
Statutory and voluntary audits
Audits with specific regulatory and/or industry requirements
Audits in the context of compliance requirements
Audits for restructuring
Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group
National and international accounting
Switching financial statements to IFRS – introduction of a new standard
Consultancy regarding effects of scheduled transactions on the balance sheet
Solution for special issues – for example, purchase price allocation etc.
Managed Accounting Services
IPO Services
Technical Accounting Center of Excellence (TACE)
Company Pension Scheme Actuary Services
Preparation Services
Creating financial statements based on national and international accounting rules
Support in the preparation of financial and non-financial reporting
Forensics, Risk & Compliance
Forensic Services
Global Corporate Intelligence Services
Integrity Due Diligence Services
Brand Protection and Anti-Piracy
OSINT Risk Audit
Pre- and Post Employment Screening
Strategic Competitive Intelligence
Asset Tracing and Value Recovery
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Investigations Training
Integrity Due Diligence Services
IT & Controls Assurance
Transformation Assurance
Project-related tests as per IDW PS 850
Outsourcing Assurance
Auditing of outsourcing as per IDW PS 951, ISAE 3402 or SSAE 18 (SOC1, SOC2)
IT Assurance
Software certification according to IDW PS 880
GoBD Compliance
IT Governance (Cobit)
IT Revision
Electronic invoice receipt & archiving procedure
Data protection check
Cyber Security Management Examinations
Regulatory Assurance
IT-Security / Cybersecurity / ISO 27001
Sustainability Services
Further Auditing & Assurance Services
Auditing specific or selected financial information
Auditing non-financial information
Expert reports and opinions
Agreed Upon Procedures
Tax & Legal
Tax Incentives for R&D
International Tax Services & Transfer Pricing
International Tax Consulting
Transfer Pricing
Compliance Outsourcing
Tax Compliance Services
Global Employer Services
Income Tax and Social Security Law
Payroll and Global Expatriate Services
Business Immigration Services
Public Sector
Tax Compliance & Risk Management
Tax Technology & Finance Transformation
Tax Technology
Finance Transformation Advisory
Tax Accounting Services
Transaction Tax
Value Added Tax
M&A Tax & Legal Services
Wealth Management & Business Succession
Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law
Public Sector Consultancy
Implementing and optimising public budgeting, cash policy and accounting
Organisation and transformation consultancy
IT consultancy
Risk management for public organisations and projects
Deal Advisory
Valuation Advisory
Transaction services
Vendor assistance
Red-flag and selective-focus due diligence
Transaction accounting assistance
Closing reviews
Post-acquisition services
Dispute and litigation support
Mergers and acquisitions
Consultancy for company purchases/sales
Consultancy for company purchases/sales
Consultancy for IPOs
Advice on privatisation
Health service industry competency
Health management, energy and financial institutions
Real estate services
Debt Advisory
Healthcare Management
Hospitals and clinics
Outpatient sector and medical care centres
Care establishments
Strategy and market concepts
Master and new building planning
Redevelopment and restructuring
Management and audit-related consultancy
Revenues and efficiency
Bank-compliant business plans
Social properties
Nursing charge negotiations
Management Advisory
Post Merger Integration (PMI)
Transformation & Change-Management
(Multi-Tower) Shared Services
Crisis Management
AI Strategy & Implementation Services
Customer Experience
Facts & Figures
BDO Germany Alliance
Global Network
Responsibility & Diversity
Code of Conduct for BDO Germany
Our commitment to education, science and research
Our whistleblower system
State Funding
Short-time work and the corona crisis
Tax issues
Legal issues
Family Office Services
Family Office Services
Professionalisation and ongoing development
Quick check
Management: Cockpit
Modular System
Web-based application
Crisis Management
Crisis Management - Ability to Act instead of Paralysis
Strategy & Business Transformation
Post Merger Integration (PMI)
Corporate Cost Alignment
Transformation & Change-Management
(Multi-Tower) Shared Services
Male / Female Ratio
Male / Female Ratio
Need for action by the deadline of 30 September 2015
Need for sustainable action
Reporting and publication obligations
Country Desk
Country Desk
Holland/Germany Desk
India Desk
Turkey Desk
Board Support
Board Support
Insolvency proceedings
Turnaround Management
Crisis prevention and monitoring
Redevelopment opinions
Capital Markets
Capital Markets
Going public
IPO readiness
IPO project management
IFRS conversion
Stock exchange brochure/liability for the brochure
Equity story
Preparation of historical financial information
Pre-IPO due diligence
Capital increase on IPO
Comfort letter
Being public
Accounting optimisation
IFRS training
Enforcement consultancy
Consultancy for the supervisory board
Market manipulation and insider trading
Fraud investigations
Transaction advice
Purchase price allocation
Post-merger integration
Cash capital increases
Non-cash capital increases
Borrowing of third-party or mezzanine capital
Going private
Cloud Consulting
Cloud Consulting
Cloud consultancy
Compliance in the cloud
China Desk
China Desk
About BDO
China inbound
China outbound
Our service
Holland / Germany Desk
Holland / Germany Desk
DORA – Challenges & Solutions
Turkey Desk
Turkey Desk
Alessandro Gramberg
Alexander Gebhardt
Alexander Heidrich
Alexander Hornischer
Alexander Reißberg
André Horn
André Wilkens
Andrea Bruckner
Andrea Franke
Andrea Reese
Andrea Zieglmaier
Andreas Blohm
Andreas Gebert
Andreas Jürgens
Andreas Leitenmaier
Andreas Lübben
Andreas Müller
Andreas Neubert
Andreas Sanmann
Andreas Schuster
Andreas Storch
Andreas Winter
Anja Abril
Anja Graff
Anja Schmitt
Anja Seyfert
Anke Jagau
Anna Buschbeck
Annegret Röther
Annette Middleton
Annette Pogodda-Grünwald
Ansgar Fähnrich
Antonia Ramm
Ariane Rump
Arne Seifert
Arne Stratmann
Axel Rosengarth
Bärbel Linne
Beate Schmidt
Bettina Gerner
Bodo F.L. Brouwer
Caroline Gass
Carsten zur Brügge
Christian Speicher
Christian Trost
Christoph Hyckel
Daniel Mehlich
Dennis Farr
Dennis Witte
Diana Schmidt
Dr. Aykut Bußian
Benjamin Spitzl
Bent Haudrup
Bernhard Christl
Bernhard Zurhake
Birgit Helbig
Björn Grunwald
Björn Thies
Boris Reichenberger
Boris Weber
Brigitte Jakob
Bruno Mortier
Burkhard Jesse
Carsten Feldmann
Christian Heesch
Christian Richter
Christian Salzberger
Christian Winkler
Christiane Anger
Christof-Martin Preis
Christoph Bayer
Christopher Meyer
Claudia Kachur
Claudia Klafs
Claudia Uthoff
Daniel Auer
Dr. Ingo Schäl
Dr. Zhuo Feng
Eva Dietz
Andreas Stemick
Jörg Müller
Klaus Jürgens
Lars Markewitz
Maik Pörschke
Daniel Schneider
Daniel Stephan
David Thomas
Delona Steinhilb
Diana Imhof
Dietmar Flügel
Dimitrios Skiadas
Dr. Arwed Crüger
Dr. Christian Reiter
Dr. Holger Achtermann
Dr. Günther Keller
Dr. Henrik Meyer
Dr. Marcus Falk
Dr. Mariusz Pyschny
Dr. Roger Rihmland
Dr. Oliver Wacke
Dr. Sandra Echtermeyer
Elmar Tewes
Eva Sareiter
Fatih Köylüoglu
Felicitas Dülz
Frank Thomas Buchwald
Frank Werner
Frédéric Jules Lingier
Georg Walther
Hans-Jürgen Rondorff
Heinrich Polster
Helmut Fenkl
Jannes Steffens
Henning Overkamp
Holger Arras
Jan Kaletta
Jana Coßmann
Jana Michel
Janina Seufert
Jens Beyer
Jens Mansholt
Johannes Kremer
Jörg Jahnel
Julia Lončar
Julia Wirth
Karen de Weerd
Karolina Rita Chudy
Katharina Jelen
Kirsten Polke
Lilia Knaub
Linda Kurz
Markus Lamparter
Martin Engel
Martin Lamm
Johannes Männlein
Johannes Matschiner
Jörg Sabath
Katrin Willms
Lars Erichsen
Lars Günther
Marc Seiger
Marcus Lensing
Jan Königshoven
Kai Behling
Karsten Thomas
Lars Buschmeier
Lars von Jesche
Lukas Wiederhold
Markus Thöben
Martin Studier
Martina Kiel
Matthias Holzer
Matthias Meyer
Dr. Michael Mies
Natalie Steinberger
Oliver Krause
Peter Künkele
Petra Fischer
Philipp Baumeister
Michael Barth
Michael Dorn
Michael Golz
Michael Janitschke
Michael Knoll
Nabil Haj-Nasr
Nadine Steigerwald
Nicole Schneider
Olaf Schroeder
Oliver Bach
Oliver Rupp
Patrick Bernd Findeis
Petra Pinkepank
Philipp Lüke
Prof. Dr. Stefan Uebensee
Ramina Zuccaro
Daniela Lechler
René Titze
Robert Dieckmann
Robert Renat
Roman Stollenwerk
Stefan Schaden
Stefan Sigmann
Stefanie Faulian
Steffen Nitsche
Stephanie Herbrich
Stephanie Weiß
Stefano Strampelli
Steffen Idler
Susanne Sinning
Sven Albrecht
Tatjana Strebel
Reiner Willke
Sandra Wolf
Silvia Korte
Sonja Hannöver
Stefan Hillebrand
Steffen Ziegenhagen
Steffi Pfeiffer
Stephan Halder
Stephan Obst
Stephanie Chadha
Sven Röttger
Thomas Bücker
Thomas Kühl
Thomas Reinicke
Thomas Schulz
Thorben Kunze
Thorsten Kramm
Thorsten Zwiener
Tim Reinicke
Heinz-Gerd Hunfeld
Verena Wiedmann
Prof. Dr. Volker Penter
Susanne Kraus
Dirk Bauer
Dirk Lewejohann
Doreen Weiß
Dorothee Steiner
Dr. Andreas Graef
Dr. Cornelia Teich
Ingo Gottwald
Dr. Dietrich Dehnen
Dr. Dimitrios Gotsis
Dr. Christina Schön
Dr. Eva Jahn
Dr. Gebhard Zemke
Dr. Dirk Elbert
Dr. Nora Otte
Frank Ahrend
Frank Rothe
Dr. Hanns-Christoph Rosien
Dr.-Ing. Kai Steffens
Dr. Norbert Lüdenbach
Dr. Philip Jensch
Dr. Ralf Wißmann
Dr. Steffen Eube
Dr. Susanne Scharpf
Elke Wollank
Erhard Jarraß
Frank Biermann
Frank Gerber
Frank Mehrtens
Frank Scholl
Georg Fabian Greifelt
Gerhard Müller
Goran Peranovic
Günter Wagner
Günter Wörl
Hagen Scholz
Grit Köthe
Hartmut Paulus
Hauke Zink
Heino Tunnat
Ina Machac
Ingo Harre
Jan Odewald
Joachim Vaih
Peter Klumpp
Jörg Marquardsen
Jörg Sabath
Josef Briechle
Juliane Seidel
Karin Fiedler
Karin Höhn
Julian Lappe
Karl-Heinz Tebbe
Katherina Braun
Kathrin Täntzer
Katrin Driesch
Kerstin Robohm-Scholl
Kirsten Davids
Klaus Eckmann
Klaus-Daniel Wiening
Lajos Szondy
Lars Kocherscheid-Dahm
Liliane Kleinert
Manfred Guder
Manuel Rauchfuss
Marc-Matthias Fritz
Maren Eggers
Rainer Engelke
Markus P. Neuhaus
Markus Spinneken
Martin Geisler
Martin Kurscheid
Michael Maxeiner
Michael Seggewiß
Martina Brabender
Nicolas Rüssmann
Nils Brandt
Parwäz Rafiqpoor
Philipp Jahn
Prof. Dr. jur. Alexander Schneider
Ralf Offergeld
Ralf Widdig
René Friese
Robert Brückner
Robert Skopp
Roland Schulz
Roland Speidel
Richard Wellmann
Ronald Robbi
Sabine Welsch
Sandra Söbbing
Sebastian Funk
Roman-Knut Seger
Silvia Sartori
Simone Brenner
Stefan Spitaler
Steffen Reusch
Steffen Zöller
Steven Heilmann
Susanne Gerlach
Susanne Streicher
Sven Schilling
Sylke Kulik
Tanja Cech
Tanja Schäffner
Thomas Dempewolf
Thomas Pleines
Thomas Steiner
Tobias Haerle
Torben Fischer
Ulrike Kugler
Uwe Braunschläger
Veit Gerlach
Wendy Sprock
Werner Jacob
Wiebke Lorenz
Wolf-Dietrich Richter
Wolfgang Otte
Wolfgang Schmidbauer
Wolfgang Veldboer
Yijiang Zhang
Zohal Naqschbandi
Dr. Michael Brauer
Maximilian Kirchhoff
Andreas Weiler
Christian J. Rücker
Christian Rosskopf
Christian Schumacher
Fabian Kostmann
Felix Rose
Frank Heinze
Frank Wiethoff
Jörg Schmidt
Maciej Osoch
Manuel Murgas
Marcus Böhnke
Marcus Moldt
Massimiliano Crusafio
Michael Strnad
Oliver Wald
Patrick Hueser
Peter Müller, LL.M.
Simone Kristin Schmalhofer
Tobias Bordt
Torsten Kleine
Volker Gaßmann
André Grasedieck
Jens Külper
Jan Siepmann
Christoph Neumann
Jan-Eike Eckardt, LL.M.
Markus Brinkmann
Fabio Weiss
Olga Lingner-Fink
Dr. Jörg Scheffner
Martin Henzler
Michael Eisenhuth
Marvin Gruchott
Lukas Rist
Christian Stratmann
Michael Büning
Jendrik Heinze
Merten Mirza
Dirk Meyer
Robin Mehlhaff
Thomas Lange
Bjoern Butte
Valentyna Chernigivska
Irene Kaliebe
Alexander Gaiser
Christian Kluger
Maximilian Schwedler
Dr. Stefan Bischof
Kriti Mittal
Dennis Schäfer
Christoph Sieveritz
Nando Wortelmann
Katrin Albers
Michael Haverkamp
Alexander Gießler
Anna Lesiak
Dr. Robert Walter
Marc Trömel
Philipp Tiedt
Marina Leker
Mario Males
Karim Hernando
Aykut Tur
Heiner Luebke
Markus Sell
Volkmar Berner
Sonja Bauer
Stefan Aermes
Anna-Frieda Studt
Clemens Pelster
Benjamin Püschel
Birgit Wicke
Claudia van Lück
Matthias Oßmann
Lutz Specht
Taylan Ciftci
Thomas Roediger-Schluga
Ulrich Böhmerle
Dr. Anja Gabener
Corneles-Jasper Hornig ppa.
Nassim Saleh
Christian Görges
Carolin Diekmann
Maik Jordan
Torsten Rehmer
Martin Behrendt
Michal Mikolajczyk
Claas-Tido Zypress
Adnan Bouziani
Julia Stolze
Carsten Sanders
Richard Paschke
Janett Tretow
Nabil Jaber
Claudia Schroers
Dr. Antje Winkler
Blandine Djeukou
Paul Hahn
Mario Meyer
Christoph Eisner
David Neumann
Johannes Oßmann
Björn Beck
Ramona Assmann
Dirk Hohmann
Thomas Hunold
Folke Bundtzen
Christiane Hesse
Mario Sachs
Birgit Dührkop
Petra Karsupke
Andreas Stellbrink
Tobias Kasch
Markus Müller
Xi Jiang
Kamil Klinke
Dr. Thomas Ulrich
Felix Bissa
Paul Forst
Jörg Scharrer
Ahmet Can Nizamoglu
Murat Nal
Peter Braun
Philipp Schöneberg
Thomas M. Pichler
Felix Fries
Robert Baumgarten
Nora Renz
Stefan Budak
Winfried Feldhaus
Faraz Mohammed Mirza
Peter Erbacher
Frank Fernsel
Rolf Schönbrodt
Nura Zalmai
Anthony Simon Bäßler
Friedemann Loch
Norbert Miethe
Felix Hermsdorf
Thorsten Burg
Valerie Binder
Matthias Trinkaus
Harald Müller
Martin Weißbach
Andreas Bode
Christina Busch
Alexander Kraus
Xianghui Zhou
Ulrike Altvater
Ira Rave
Lisa Umann
Charlotte Steinkamp
Jonas Kögler
Till Koop
Ulf Thiele
Basit Saleem
Maria Carolina Dias Mascarenhas
Philip Blümel
Mario Wagner (A&A)
Matthias Mertens
Christina Horn, LL.M.
Valentin Vela Loira
Fidel Farias
Jana-Mirka Ströher
Qin-Yu You
Sören Premer
Isra Demir
Berkant Karsak
Florian Müller
Holger Obst
Global Portal