Sonja Bauer

Sonja Bauer

Certified Tax Advisor, German Public Auditor, Partner, Audit & Assurance



Practice areas

  • Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with HGB, IFRS and US-GAAP in Germany and abroad with a focus on global capital market-oriented companies in the DAX/MDAX segment as well as internationally operating medium-sized companies
  • Extensive expertise in initial audits of listed companies 
  • Audit of complex accounting issues including project accounting for long-term construction contracts under IFRS and revenue recognition in the software industry as well as accounting for business combinations
  • Extensive experience in the implementation and auditing of internal control systems (incl. SOX and J-SOX) and risk management systems
  • Audit of carve-out and spin-off projects for capital market-oriented companies, including IPOs and 144A bond offerings
  • Conversion projects to international accounting standards (IFRS) and auditing the implementation of new accounting standards
  • Audit-related services and confirmation services

Industry expertise 

  • Power generation
  • Industrial and consumer goods
  • Trade Sector
  • Technology and software
  • Engineering industry
  • Aviation

Additional information

  • International assignments in the U.S. and Australia