Technical Accounting Center of Excellence (TACE)

The Technical Accounting Center of Excellence (TACE) is BDO's policy department for national (German Commercial Code - HGB) and international (IFRS/US GAAP) accounting.

Through our engagement in various expert committees as well as our involvement in the Global IFRS Policy Committee, we are always informed about the latest developments. We can shape the interpretation of laws and standards in the interest of our clients and colleagues.

Range of Services

The range of services offered to clients by TACE include the following in particular:

We regularly inform you about all developments in accounting with our news@bdo:

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We are happy to support you in other accounting related questions, please feel free to contact us using our contact form.

TACE provides, among others, the following internal services for the engagement teams of BDO's Audit & Assurance, Tax & Legal and Advisory departments:

  • Internal opinions for consultations (technical coordination with specialists outside the engagement team) with the aim of reliably assessing specific financial reporting issues. Auditors are obliged to seek internal or external professional advice on audit-relevant issues of doubt if this is necessary based on the auditor's professional judgement in accordance with the circumstances of the individual case (Section IDW QS 1).
  • Responding to "other technical inquiries" from engagement teams outside of a formal consultation process.
  • Design and delivery of training courses as part of internal training and professional development.
  • BDO internal IFRS certification.
  • Contribution to legislative, standardization, and standard-setting processes through comment letters and committee activities.
  • Internal newsletters on national and international accounting news.
  • Support for report reviews.
  • Supporting the National Office Audit & Assurance in formulating Key Audit Matters as well as designing and updating selected audit checklists.
  • Supporting the engagement teams in selected audits of public interest entities (PIEs).

Integration in the global BDO network

BDO Germany and TACE are permanent members of the IFRS decision-making bodies of the international BDO network. This means that we are always fully informed about innovations and practical issues in the worldwide application and interpretation of IFRS. Through this interdisciplinary cooperation in the network, we are always able to solve specific application issues in the best possible way, even across borders.

The TACE employees are experts in national and international accounting with long experience in auditing and are an integral part of BDO's quality assurance system.
For all questions regarding the interpretation of IFRS, US GAAP and the accounting requirements of the German Commercial Code, TACE is the central internal point of contact for our BDO colleagues. Not only do TACE and the Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group cooperate closely, but we also maintain an intensive professional exchange with our colleagues in the industry centres for banks & financial service providers, insurance companies, health & social services, public companies & administration, and energy supply.

Team members

Your contacts are:

Dr. Lüdenbach and BDO’s Executive Board Member Dr. Jens Freiberg are editors of the "Haufe IFRS Kommentar" and the journal "NWB Internationale Rechnungslegung" (PiR). All members of TACE are authors of numerous articles in professional literature.

We work closely with our colleagues from the Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group, headed by Melanie Schunk, and the Capital Markets department, headed by Dr. Jens Freiberg, and involve them in activities for TACE on a case-by-case basis.

Developments at national and international standard setters, legislators, professional organisations and, not least, the courts are creating a consistently high level of dynamism in the reporting, auditing and enforcement landscape. TACE therefore always keeps you informed about the latest changes – so that you are constantly up to date without having to take your attention away from your day-to-day business.

Contact us!

Dr. Niels Henckel

Dr. Niels Henckel

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence
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Dr. Norbert Lüdenbach

Dr. Norbert Lüdenbach

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Advisory
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Dr. Robert Walter

Dr. Robert Walter

Partner, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence
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Jana Michel

Jana Michel

Senior Manager, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence
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Sebastian Weller

Sebastian Weller

Senior Manager, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence, CPA
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Dr. Stefan Bischof

Stefan Bischof

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Technical Accounting Center of Excellence
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Stefano Strampelli

Stefano Strampelli

Partner, Capital Markets – Technical Accounting Center of Excellence
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