Managed Accounting Services

The demands on accounting are constantly increasing and are becoming more and more complex. This means an additional burden on internal company resources in day-to-day business. Outsourced divisions and start-ups must first (re)establish a finance function to meet accounting requirements in a timely manner. This requires not only extensive expertise, but also the early involvement of interface areas such as controlling, IT and sometimes even investor relations, in order to meet the expectations of all stakeholders and to set up the processes efficiently right from the start.


Our experts accompany you in your projects from the very beginning with an interdisciplinary team of technical, process and IT experts. In the process, we attach great importance to sustainable and, above all, practical solution concepts. We also have a suitable consulting concept for young companies (e.g. start-ups) involving our experts from the field of “Emerging Entities“.


Our scope of services includes the following support services:

  • Audit-compliant preparation of (consolidated) financial statements according to HGB and IFRS and other (internal) reporting requirements (e.g. reporting package, Board documents)
  • Establishment and operation of a (group) accounting system including preparation of process descriptions and accounting manuals
  • Optimization of external reporting (e.g. decluttering of the notes)
  • Introduction of new accounting standards
  • (Partial) project management of special projects in the finance area


Your added value:

  • Relieve personnel burden through integration of external technical-, process- and IT-experts
  • Audit-compliant and timely implementation of accounting and reporting requirements
  • Practical solution concepts based on our long-standing project experience

Contact us!

Melanie Schunk

Melanie Schunk

German Public Auditor, Partner, Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group
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Dr. Jens Freiberg

Dr. Jens Freiberg

German Public Auditor, Member of the Executive Board, Head of Capital Markets
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