Risk & Compliance

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Risk & Compliance

Following the financial crisis 2007/2008, the way that the risk management and compliance management systems of credit institutions are supervised and organised has become the focus of public attention. Measures for strengthening the financial markets have been at the top of the political agenda of almost all governments ever since. The crisis has fuelled suspicion that, on the one hand, the nationally organised regulatory authorities cannot monitor global banks closely enough, while on the other hand, the risk management and compliance management systems of the credit institutions do not not do justice to the requirements of the financial markets and the consumer. This crisis led – like no other before – to a genuine "firework of regulations".

Supervising credit institutions (Supervision) and the requirements for the design of risk management (Risk) and compliance management systems (Compliance) were considerably tightened

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Dr. Gebhard Zemke

Dr. Gebhard Zemke

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Financial Services Banking
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Wolfgang Otte

Wolfgang Otte

German Public Auditor, Lawyer, Partner, Financial Services Banking
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