Pre- and Post Employment Screening

Professional Risk-Based Pre- and Post-Employment Screening: Your Key to Safe Recruitment and minimizing Risks

In today's recruitment landscape, ensuring the integrity and qualifications of your future and current employees is paramount. Our pre- and post-employment screening services help you effectively organize your company's recruitment process while ensuring compliance with all data protection requirements.

Customized Applicant Screening for the Highest Standards

We optimize your recruitment process through data protection-compliant screening based on the candidates' consent. This approach offers multiple benefits:

  • Reduction of liability and other risks
  • Lower recruitment costs
  • Protection of your company's reputation
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements

Our process includes a fair and appropriate assessment of all relevant risk categories to ensure the quality of your applicants and minimize potential risks. The depth of the screening depends on the risk profile of the position. It is important to emphasize that screening is not an assessment of the applicant's qualifications. This method enhances confidence in your personnel decisions and promotes a culture of integrity and trust.

Transparent and Individualized, Risk-Based Screening

Each screening process is customized to the risk profile of the position and the legal framework. We prioritize transparency and impartiality to protect the personal data and privacy of applicants.

Consent and Duty to Inform

A key aspect of our screening process is obtaining consent from applicants. They are thoroughly informed about the screening measures at the start of the recruitment process.

Focus on Risk Factors

The risk factors examined may include false information, concealment of identity and place of residence, activities against the free democratic basic order, and lack of integrity.

Compliance with the EU GDPR

Our service adheres to the screening policy of the commissioning company, defining the scope and depth of the screening. The process is transparent and unbiased. To protect the personal data and privacy of applicants, we follow data protection principles, ensuring relevance and appropriateness. Research is limited to relevant information (data minimization), meeting the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We are happy to assist you in developing and implementing a screening policy.

Contact us!

Bruno Mortier

Bruno Mortier

Senior Manager, Forensic, Risk & Compliance
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Markus Brinkmann

Markus Brinkmann

CFE, Partner, Forensic, Risk & Compliance
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