
Request for proposal



We face the challenge

The markets for transport services, which were traditionally characterised by monopolistic structures, are now subject to constant change. On top of this, there is constant competitive pressure – particularly in the field of public transport and rail transport – which makes the task of sustainably planning and providing transport services a challenge for all stakeholders; this a challenge that we are happy to face. 

Many years of industry expertise

We currently provide services to a number of contracting authorities and companies in the private or public sector. When putting together our team of consultants we always select those employees who best match the needs of our clients due to their expertise, experience in the industry and leadership qualities. We thus offer a combination of years of mandate experience and industry expertise from a single source.

Key consultancy focuses

Our key consultancy focuses include the following:

  • Audits
    • Certificates of application as per PBefG, SchwbG and for voluntary services of the respective federal state
    • Annual and consolidated financial audits
    • Appraisal of transport contracts to determine overcompensation effects
    • Validation of equity certificates for concession applications
  • Organisational consultancy
    • Analytical cost determination and assessment
    • Drawing up business plans
    • Determining tariff structures
    • Tax audits and modelling cross-company alliances
    • Economic feasibility studies
  • Transaction advice
    • Support for divestitures
    • Due diligence on the purchaser and seller side
    • Implementing structured bidding processes
    • Privatisation of transport companies
  • Procurement and state aid law
    • Supporting tenders for the award of passenger transport services and the procurement of infrastructure facilities
    • Appraisal of financing initiatives in terms of state aid legislation
    • Entrustments and direct awards to (internal) operators in line with Regulation (EC) No. 1370/2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and road
    • Expedited awards

Contact us!

Doreen Weiß

Doreen Weiß

Certified Tax Advisor, Manager, Tax & Legal
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Sebastian Funk

Sebastian Funk

Certified Tax Advisor, Manager, Tax & Legal
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