Bank-compliant business plans

Consultancy services

Good management requires good planning. Establishing successful long-term management for a hospital or a medical care centre requires the preparation of a financing and business plan when pending investment measures need to be fully or partially financed by borrowed capital (loans) due to a lack of funds.

Against the backdrop of increased insolvencies and increasing mergers and acquisitions, hospitals and medical care centres are also increasingly being forced to prove their creditworthiness and capacity and to have this confirmed by external experts. A (possibly bank-compliant) business plan serves as proof of sound corporate planning.
The financial planning continues to provide the basis for managing the company because only precise and differentiated planning allows a review of the objectives expressed in planning within the framework of target/actual deviations.

Scope of services

We support you in all issues regarding your financial and business plan with our team consisting of experts from the healthcare industry. Our range of services is tailored to your individual requirements.

  • Verification using budget planning created by you
  • Developing a common budgeting plan including simulation of different development scenarios
  • Preparing a bank-compliant business plan with integrated financial planning