Thorben Kunze

Thorben Kunze

BDO Oldenburg GmbH & Co. KG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Certified Tax Advisor, Manager

Executive summary

Industry expertise

  • Industry & Trade
  • Service companies
  • Energy industry
  • Energy-intensive companies

Professional experience/specific knowledge

  • Annual and consolidated audits according to HGB and IFRS for companies of different sizes and legal forms
  • Business audits in the fields of energy, transport and public companies
  • Audits according to EEG, KWKG, StromNEV, KAV, BECV
  • Audits of the regularity of management in accordance with § 53 HGrG
  • Support services for issues according to HGB and IFRS
  • Internal control processes and systems
  • Audit of sustainability reports and non-financial information