Legally Compliant Budgetary & Administrative Management

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Legally Compliant Budgetary & Administrative Management

The introduction of the new municipal financial management results further regulatory requirements for municipal facilities, which are often implemented in downstream projects. Based on the existing double-entry data basis and advanced controlling requirements, instruments for modern compliance management are in demand.

Internal (IT) controlling system

Double-entry implementation projects have often been carried out with a technical and IT-related focus. Procedural and operational controlling systems are, in part, only adjusted to the extent that working with the new IT methods is possible. The development of the internal controlling system is often neglected, as it does not provide any visible benefits.

BDO supports you with both pragmatic and comprehensive consultancy approaches in the on-going development of the existing internal controlling system through analysis, practical suggestions and a variety of proven templates and samples for work instructions and forms. We deliver effective controls to protect assets for your specific, municipal risk situation.

Besides considering classical accounting-related topics we offer a broader investigation of the internal controlling system to consider municipal business and technical processes in the departments and offices. You can thus be certain that effective regulations and controls are established for specific external and internal regulations beyond the financial aspects.

Risk management

Previously, in the municipal sector, risks were often only considered where they related to participations, or at the level of individual organisational units. A consolidated view of risk, in particular (monetary) risk assessment, is not generally available.

BDO can help you identify your risks in a structured way, and evaluate the probability of occurrence and impact. In addition to the monetary risk assessment, this gives you an extended view of risk dimensions that are also important for municipal facilities. A structured inventory is the starting point for tangible measures to deal with your risks.

Our many years of experience in the municipal environment help to combine best practices with specific municipal features and, in addition to financial risks, also consider risks in departments and offices in particular.

Internal audit 2.0

In many municipal institutions, the tasks of the existing auditors are increasingly shifting from the classic audit towards internal consultation. It is no longer only findings, but specifically also proposals for improvement and answers to policy issues that are expected from the auditors.

BDO supports municipal auditors in their development into state-of-the-art auditing and possibly consulting services. We train employees in the latest topics, such as accounting and (consolidated) financial statements, provide support in drafting risk-based audit plans and help to optimise the auditing organisation and implementation in your operations.

Misappropriation, embezzlement, corruption and fraud