Stefan Schaden

Stefan Schaden

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group

Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group

Executive summary

Stefan Schaden is Partner at Accounting & Reporting Advisory Group.

He is engaged in the whole scope of international accounting and especially in questions of accounting for leases, self-constructed intangible assets, deferred taxes and depiction of consolidation topics within group financial statements.

Practice areas

  • Expert opinion on questions regarding accounting following the IFRS standards
  • Quality assurance, documentation and preparation of basis for conclusion for technical accounting topics
  • Audit related advisory services concerning special topics of our clients on international accounting
  • Post merger integration of international group entities
  • Preparation of accounting manuals (IFRS) and guidelines
  • Introduction of new accounting standards

Industry expertise

  • Engineering industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Pulp- and paper industry
  • Logistics
  • Trade and service industry
  • Real estate
  • Banking

Additional information

  • Experienced in special topics of IFRS like financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies, operating segments and accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
  • Experienced in EU-Taxonomy comprising the corresponding notes and technical interpretation topics