Bjoern Butte

Bjoern Butte

Partner, Auditor, Financial Services

Executive summary

Focus / Professional competence

  • Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with HGB and IFRS
  • Asset quality reviews (AQR) in Germany and abroad 
  • Advice on banking supervisory law and risk management)
  • Special audits in accordance with § 44 KWG 
  • Audits of control reports in accordance with ISAE 3402 
  • Business plan reviews
  • Internal audit

Industry experience

  • Significant banks 
  • Corporate and investment banking, retail, private banking, foreign banks
  • Asset management (capital management companies, investment funds, securities institutions)
  • Real estate companies
  • Leasing and factoring 
  • Fintech and crypto custodians 
  • Corporate investment companies  
  • Winding-up agencies (bad banks)  

Additional information

  • Member of the Investment Committee (FAIN) of the IDW
  • Member of various working groups of the IDW Banking Committee