Claudia Kachur
In view of the increasingly global nature of the markets, the German investments abroad and the foreign investments in Germany, the demand for international and integrated tax consulting services is constantly growing. In collaboration with our network partners in over 150 countries throughout the world, we provide consulting services and support for companies and individuals from Germany and abroad in all their cross-border business activities. At BDO, we develop in-depth solutions for any issues relating to tax and commercial law in this context. From the very outset, we bear in mind the practical considerations for the implementation of these solutions and any impact they may have on non-tax aspects of your company. By doing so, we create tax concepts that adequately address the risks associated with international business activities and take full advantage of the opportunities available.
Claudia Kachur
Dr. Arwed Crüger
Dr. Henrik Meyer
Dr. Oliver Wacke
Sandra Wolf
Dr. Dimitrios Gotsis
Dr. Dirk Elbert
Sandra Söbbing
Thomas Steiner
Norbert Miethe