Andrea Bruckner
The great media response to the first target figures communicated by affected companies shows that disclosure can quickly lead to ‘blame and shame’. Proactive communication is therefore advised.
Sounds simple, but it’s not!
The first stumbling block is the issue of whether a company is affected. There is, for example, need for clarification with companies that are subject to co-determination, but where this is not ‘lived’. In addition, a variety of other legal interpretation issues are also conceivable.
In delimitation and definition of management levels, there are also frequently discussions about, for example, the approach in case of a matrix structure, or the involvement of staff departments that report directly to the board of directors.
When analysing the current situation, for example, there is often the question of whether or how expatriates, exempt employees or part-time jobs need to be considered.
Simulation models are recommended in personnel planning in order to appropriately consider factors such as foreign posting/exemption, fluctuation and/or growth and the available pool of female talent. All of these factors must be incorporated to create a realistic objective.
There are also a number of concrete, and frequently legal issues when making decisions regarding target variables. Determining the reference value for the quota, for example, given intended short-term expansion of the board is a tricky issue.
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Andrea Bruckner