
Consultancy services

There has been an increasing trend towards mergers in the hospital sector for some time. Looking back at mergers projects we have supported shows a variety of factors that play a key role in hospital mergers:

  • Regional orientation
  • Care level
  • Financial strength
  • Possible synergy effects
  • Cultural or political fit

The final point in particular is generally considered the decisive factor for sustainably successful mergers of clinics. The numbers of failed clinic mergers currently indicate that the cultural and political obstacles, and thus the tendency towards distrust, do not yet seem to outweigh the economically identified benefits from the decision maker’s perspective.

Scope of services

A promising approach from our point of view, in addition to the classic procedure of clinic mergers, includes the following three points:

  • Development of a common medical concept
  • Early agreement on a framework concept for the most important cornerstones of the merger
  • Proactive project organisation with regard to establishing mutual trust

We are excellently positioned to provide holistic and professional support for clinic mergers thanks to the health management branch centre and the related specialisation of services in the three divisions auditing, tax consultancy and management consultancy and the legal-advice partner BDO Legal Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH. Unlike many competitors, we can provide all the elements of merger consultancy from one source.
The following consultancy services, in particular, are the focus here.

  • Due diligence checks (financial and commercial)
  • Business valuation (IDW S 1, practitioner procedure)
  • Feasibility studies:
    • Potential analyses
    • Medical and organisational concepts
    • Simulated calculations
    • Business plans and (integrated) financial planning
  • Transaction testing and design
  • Project management