Preparation Services

Preparation Services

Services regarding financial and personnel accounting – an important basis for your planning, controlling and monitoring

The business accounting department is an indispensable base for planning, controlling and monitoring company operations for you as company decision makers. The legal framework conditions set high demands for the design of the external accounting system. Your operational needs form the aspiration level for operational cost and activity accounting.
Permanent changes to the tax law, new challenges, such as the Bilanzrichtlinien-Umsetzungsgesetz (BilRUG) (German accounting directive implementation law), bureaucratic obligations to report and also modified information requirements bind the often scarce resources in accounting.

The full range of our services for your success

Create freedom for your business tasks. Meet the expectations of all stakeholders with timely, accurate and comprehensive evaluations and information about the company accounting system.

Our experts can relieve you by taking over internal services in accounting, human resources and controlling. Innovative solutions and expertise determine the parameters.


For further information about the topic of preparation services, the partners available to you at one of our offices will be happy to assist you.