Diana Imhof
Financial service providers face a number of challenges owing to circumstances such as growing regulatory requirements, constant changes to national and international tax law and issues relating to digitalization. One of the contributing factors to this rapidly evolving environment concerns efforts to reduce the harmful incentives for cross-border financial flows by coordinating different tax regimes.
Our financial services tax team consists of lawyers, certified tax consultants and bankers with the requisite knowledge of the relevant industries and markets. This team, along with specialists in other roles with a focus on the financial services industry, is on hand to support you as part of our comprehensive interdisciplinary client care package.
With our international network and local financial services teams, we are also able to advise on matters relating to foreign tax law, providing tax consulting services tailored to our clients’ individual needs.
Geared to our clients from the banking and financial services industry, our expert team offers industry-specific solutions in the banking, leasing, capital market and investment management environment. In addition to ongoing tax consultancy, our services also include project-specific advice, in particular:
Supported by our specialists, this range of services is supplemented by the fields of strategic tax optimisation through cross-border tax planning and transfer pricing management (International Tax Consulting), consultancy on VAT optimisation and the reduction of customs duties Value Added Tax) as well as income tax and expatriate tax consultancy (Income Tax/Expatriate Tax).
With our international network, we are also in a position to handle foreign issues at the highest level, responding to the individual needs of our clients. Dealing with FATCA rules or the Qualified Intermediary Program (QI Program) of the US authorities as well as the efforts in the field of financial transaction tax and the automatic tax data exchange are just a few examples of the many issues we address in this area.
Legal consultancy services are provided by the banking and financial services team at BDO Legal.
Diana Imhof
Reiner Willke