ECB Expectations on Geopolitical Risk Management – Implications for Governance and Risk Frameworks
ECB Expectations on Geopolitical Risk Management – Implications for Governance and Risk Frameworks
The ECB has emphasized the importance of integrating geopolitical risks into banks' governance, Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP), credit risk frameworks, and other risk categories towards the end of 2024. These expectations align with the EU’s regulatory priorities to enhance financial stability amid heightened geopolitical uncertainties and complement the forthcoming Capital Requirements Directive VI (CRD VI) and Capital Requirements Regulation III (CRR III).
As geopolitical risks become more pronounced, financial institutions must ensure their integration into risk management frameworks. Compliance with ECB and European Banking Authority (EBA) expectations and a robust economic view on the risk driver and its themes are crucial to maintain financial stability and operational resilience. By adopting structured risk assessment methodologies and refining scenario planning, institutions can optimize their navigation through geopolitical uncertainties and strengthen financial stability.
This paper highlights our view on key regulatory expectations, best practices and learnings from industry experts in- and outside the financial services sector and practical implications from current projects.
Our Financial Services Risk Experts are ready to serve you in optimizing existing risk management frameworks, measurement approaches and steering as well as controlling and reporting processes to ensure a risk- and portfolio-specific inclusion of geopolitical risk considerations. Our goal is to provide hands-on and pragmatic solutions to support your navigation through challenging times. Part 1 of our series focuses on an overview which will be the basis for a dedicated workprogramme we recommend banks’s to implement.