BDO advises US technology group Bruker on acquisition of Zontal Group

BDO advises US technology group Bruker on acquisition of Zontal Group

Tax experts from BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft have advised the NASDAQ-listed US technology group Bruker Corporation on the acquisition of the Zontal Group. Zontal, based in Germany, the US and China, is a leading provider of data platforms for the life science industry. Bruker's ( powerful scientific instruments and high-value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at the molecular, cellular and microscopic levels.

BDO's services included, first, conducting international tax due diligence. On the other hand, BDO provided tax advice on the structuring of the acquisition and - taking into account the tax situation of the acquirer and seller - developed an optimal acquisition structure. In addition, BDO provided expertise in the context of the purchase agreement negotiations from a tax perspective. On the German BDO side, Bruker was advised by Liliane Kleinert, Lars Erichsen and Jan-Eike Eckardt. As Zontal also has offices in the US and China, experts from the international BDO network were also involved.

BDO on a strong growth course

BDO has been showing high growth dynamics for years. Under the claim 'Worldwide. Closer. To you.', the German BDO Group achieved sales of €347 million in the reporting year 2022 - an increase of a good 14 percent. This underlines the successful implementation of the growth strategy and reflects the high demand for BDO expertise. BDO has a powerful international network with more than 1,800 offices in 164 countries, generating revenues of 12.8 billion US dollars with around 110,000 employees.