Marcel Sigwart

Marcel Sigwart

Senior Manager, IT & Controls Assurance

Executive summary

Practice areas

  • Internal Control Systems
  1. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Section 404 Audits
  2. Consulting on setting up Internal Control Systems
  3. Assurance Audits on Controls at a Service Organization (IDW PS 951/ISAE 3402/SOC)
  • GoBD-Compliance
  1. Audit and Consulting on the Compliance of IT Systems with Commercial and Tax Law (GoB/GoBD)
  2. Analysis and Audit of IT-supported Business Processes
  3. Consulting on the introduction of new software, especially for electronic invoice processing, document management, travel expense management, cash register systems
  4. Consulting and Preparation of Procedural Documentation ("Verfahrensdokumentation")
  • IT Audits within Audits of Financial Statements (IDW PS 330/ISA 315)
  • Audit of AI-Systems (Artificial Intelligence) (IDW EPS 861)
  • Project-accompanying Audits (System Intoduction, System Change) (IDW PS 850)
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

Additional information

  • Member of ISACA, the professional association of IT auditors