Tax Incentives for R&D

Tax Incentives for R&D

Research and development projects have long since ceased to be a purely technical matter. In addition to engineers and employees carrying out research, the controlling and the financial areas are also keen to make effective use of existing funding programmes.

Where controlling sees the benefits of cost reduction, engineers see opportunities for an increased budget for pending projects. Irrespective of who gains the upper hand in your operation, the company benefits in both cases.

As a result of the law regulating tax incentives for research and development (in German: Forschungszulagengesetz, FZulG), project funding is now of increasing importance for all companies operating in Germany. As it applies to the company’s own research as well as to contract research, the research incentive is available to almost every company and might enable you to receive an annual payment of up to EUR 1,000,000 for your R&D activities.

The decision as to whether a project is worthy of funding is not however the responsibility of the fiscal authorities but of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. The involvement of engineers in the application process is indispensable in order to negotiate on equal terms.

Our R&D team is therefore composed not only of tax specialists but also, in cooperation with BDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH, of scientists and engineers.

Additional team members specialised in subsidies and grants keep in sight the overall picture of a variety of national and European programmes, which can be used as alternative or complementary funding.

And if your research has an international focus, we, together with colleagues from our international network, are able to ensure an efficient approach to funding.

Have we succeeded in gaining your attention? Then why not contact us! We will be glad to develop the very best range of services for you – in a modular system - exactly according to your requirements.

Tax Incentives for R&D


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Contact us!

Lars Günther

Lars Günther

Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Tax & Legal
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Matthias Holzer

Matthias Holzer

Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Tax & Legal
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Dr. Ing. Kai Steffens

Dr.-Ing. Kai Steffens

Managing director BDO Technik- und Umweltconsulting GmbH
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