We present the most important legislative changes introduced by the Act on the Implementation of the DAC 7 Directive and the Modernisation of Tax Procedure Law.
Implementation of the DAC 7-Directive
Platform Tax Transparency Act
The first part of the law transforms the so-called DAC 7 Directive into national law. It introduces an obligation for operators of digital platforms to report information to the tax authorities on income generated by providers on these platforms. The reporting obligation will be supplemented by an automatic exchange of information on providers who are resident for tax purposes in other EU member states. In this way, the economic activities of providers on digital platforms are to become transparent for the tax authorities.The legal definition of a platform in this context is any system based on digital technologies that enables users to contact each other via the internet using software and to conclude legal transactions (§ 3 of the German Platform Tax Transparency Act, Plattformen-Steuertransparenzgesetz (PStTG)). The legal transaction must be able to be concluded by means of the platform, i.e., the mere mediation of opportunities to conclude a business transaction is not covered. Furthermore, the law contains a catalogue of activities that do not involve a platform. These include the processing of payments in connection with a relevant activity, the listing of a relevant activity or advertising of a relevant activity by users, or the redirection or forwarding of users to a platform.
However, a platform operator is only required to report if he/she has a specific nexus to the domestic or EU market. This is the case if he/she has his/her registered office or management in Germany, is entered in the commercial or cooperative register under domestic law or maintains a permanent establishment in Germany.
Also legally defined are the terms “platform user” and “platform provider” (§ 4 PStTG). Among these are those who make use of the platform or who are registered on a platform and offer a relevant activity.
Only certain, so-called relevant activities are subject to the reporting obligation if they are provided in return for remuneration (§ 5 PStTG). These include the temporary transfer of usufruct and other rights to immovable property, the provision of personal services, the sale of goods and the temporary transfer of usufruct and other rights to means of transport.
Platform operators must register at the German Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, BZSt) immediately after the promulgation of the law. Specific details are set out in § 12 PStTG. If an operator can prove that the platform is not used by providers subject to reporting requirements, it is possible to be exempted from this requirement. In advance, the BZSt may also provide information on the existence of the requirements under § 3 or § 5 PStTG on the basis of a precisely defined set of facts (§ 10 PStTG).
The reportable information (§ 14 PStTG) must be submitted annually to the BZSt by January 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the provider was registered as a reportable provider. The BZSt shall forward the information on domestic providers reported from Germany and abroad to the tax authorities.
The regulations will take effect from the calendar year 2023.
Die Regelungen finden ab dem Kalenderjahr 2023 Anwendung.
EU-Administrative Assistance Act
As part of the implementation of the DAC 7-Directive, amendments are also being made to the EU Administrative Assistance Act (EU-Amtshilfegesetz, EUAHiG). These amendments concern group requests, an extension of the automatic exchange of information to royalty income and the automated retrieval of account information.Modernisation of Tax Procedural Law
The second part of the law contains measures to modernise tax procedure law, in particular to speed up tax audits. They are to be started and completed earlier. This is to be achieved above all by improving cooperation between the tax authorities and businesses. On the part of the tax authorities, a more timely announcement of audit orders, the identification of audit focal points and the introduction of interim discussions are inserted, but on the part of the companies, significantly extended obligations to cooperate are also inserted.Essentially, the following measures will be introduced: