Deduction of Business Expenses in the Event of Mismatches in Taxation
Deduction of Business Expenses in the Event of Mismatches in Taxation
The regulation of Section 4k of the German Income Tax Act (EStG) is based on the implementation of Articles 9 and 9b of the ATAD Directive of July 12, 2016 (Directive (EU) 2016/1164), as amended by Directive (EU) 2017/952 of May 29, 2017, and was introduced in Germany by the ATAD Implementation Act of June 25, 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I 2021, 2035) to avoid cross-border mismatches in taxation in connection with hybrid arrangements. This affects, for example, constellations in which business expenses are taken into account both domestically and abroad (so-called double-deduction-mismatches) or business expenses are only taken into account domestically, but the corresponding income is not taxable or only taxable at a low rate abroad (so-called deduction-/non-inclusion-mismatches). On December 5, 2024, the German tax authorities published the guidance on Section 4k EStG in which it clarifies definitions and controversial interpretation issues. We present the relevant contents.
Temporal Scope
The regulation of Section 4k EStG is to be applied for the first time to expenses incurred after December 31, 2019 (Section 52 (8d) sentence 1 EStG). A special rule applies to expenses based on a continuing obligation, such as interest, rent or license fees. These expenses, which were legally incurred before January 1, 2020, are considered to have been incurred after December 31, 2019, if they could have been avoided from that date without significant disadvantages, for example by terminating the contract. The regulation of Section 4k EStG is also not applicable to other expenses legally incurred before this date, which are therefore not based on a continuing obligation, if the reduction in income occurs after December 31, 2019.
Personal Scope
Recorded in accordance with Section 4k (6) sentence 1 EStG are first of all cases
- between related parties within the meaning of Section 1 (2) of the German Foreign Tax Act (AStG),
- between a (remaining) company and its permanent establishment located in the other jurisdiction, and
- within the framework of structured arrangements.
It should also be noted that, according to Section 4k (6) sentence 2 EStG, a person who acts in coordination with another person is attributed the other person’s equity interest, voting rights and profit participation rights for the purposes of the regulation in Section 4k EStG. This creates a presumption of relatedness within the meaning of Section 4k (6) sentence 1 EStG.
A structured arrangement exists in accordance with Section 4k (6) sentence 3 EStG if the tax advantage from mismatches in taxation has been included in whole or in part in the terms of the contractual agreements or if these suggest that the parties to the arrangement could expect the tax advantage. Thus, the scope of Section 4k EStG is also opened to constellations between unrelated third parties.
Expenses incurred by a taxpayer are not subject to the restriction of deduction even in the case of a structured arrangement if, based on the external circumstances, it cannot reasonably be assumed that the taxpayer was aware of the tax advantage and, in addition, it can be proven that the taxpayer did not participate in the tax advantage (Section 4k (6) sentence 4 EStG). This exception may be applied in particular to structured arrangements involving bonds issued to third parties via a recognized stock exchange, provided that the interest rate is calculated in such a way that it is also attractive for investors whose interest income is taxed at the regular rate.