BDO Indirect Tax News - Issue 2/2023

BDO Indirect Tax News focuses on issues of practical importance in the field of VAT and similar indirect taxes, such as GST. Experts from all over the world provide first-hand information on recent developments in legislation, jurisdiction and tax authorities’ opinions and directives.

In this edition: 

  • Canada: New tax levied on “underused” residential property in Canada
  • Ecuador: New reductions/exemptions from VAT and the tax on foreign currency announced
  • European Union:
    • The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: What it means for businesses within and out
    • CJEU holds online platform operator liable for VAT collected from customers
  • France: Administrative guidelines released on VAT treatment of compensation payments
  • Germany: 
    • Update on jurisprudence relating to VAT grouping rules
    • Supply and installation of photovoltaic systems now zero-rated
  • India: Scope of taxable online services affecting foreign service providers proposed to be broadened
  • International: Indirect tax bytes
  • Mexico: Ban introduced on imports of goods made with forced labour
  • Netherlds: VAT consequences of a return of goods
  • Poland: Mandatory e-invoicing postponed to July 2024
  • Spain: Binding rulings clarify scope of new plastic packaging tax
  • United Arab Emirates: New VAT reporting requirement for e-commerce supplies and rules for reporting
  • United Kingdom: 
    • Impact of EU “VAT in the Digital Age” proposals on UK/non-EU organisations
    • Plastic packaging tax rate increased
  • United States: Without an exemption certificate your sales may not be exempt

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